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        :徐虬 副教授




        In this study, to improve the mechanical properties of W-Y2O3 alloys, we developed W-Y2O3 alloys with the addition of Mo or Zr and, including pure W, investigated their damage caused by the exposure to D and He, and D and He mixture plasmas. In the W and W alloys exposed to D plasma, blistering was not observed because of the high temperature of the samples; only sputtering was observed. The sputtering of W alloys with dispersed nanoparticles was more pronounced than that of W, which had a smooth surface. The amount of sputtered particles was proportional to the density of the nanoparticles in the alloy. The resistance to the He plasma exposure of the W-Mo-Y2O3 alloy was nearly the same as that of W. However, the resistance of the W-Y2O3 alloy was eight times better than that of W. In addition, the resistance of W-Zr-Y2O3 alloy to He plasma exposure was further increased by a factor of 40. The damage caused by the D and He mixture plasma was mainly determined by the fluence of He in the mixture plasma.


        Xu Qiu, associate professor at the Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University. He graduated from Kyushu University in Japan with a doctorate in engineering in 1995. Then, he joined the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute as an assistant professor. He has long been engaged in basic research on the interaction of materials with high energy particles (neutrons, ions, electrons). He published more than 270 articles in Scientific Reports, Nanotechnology, Nuclear Fusion, Phys. Rev. B., Phys. Rev. C., Appl. Phys. Lett., Phil. Mag. Lett., Acta Mater., J. Alloy Com., and Journal of Nuclear Materials, and so on. He is an editorial board members of Scientific Reports.